Become a PCO

Become a PCO

Under Washington State law, the Chairman of a political central committee is authorized to appoint Precinct Committee Officers (PCOs) and Captains to vacant precincts following the even-year election of PCOs and the subsequent election of legislative District Committee officers. The completed form starts the process of approval in making such appointments. Our goal is to appoint Republicans who will promote Republican goals throughout the balance of the two-year term. By completing this form, you agree to promote these goals and support the Re­publican candidates.

As a PCO, you are the responsible Party official at the precinct level.

All PCOs must be registered voters. 

NOTE: When you file to become a PCO, your filing information becomes public record, and is subject to the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA).

Elected PCOs

PCOs are voted into office during the primary election in even-numbered election years to serve two-year terms. If you were the only one to file in mid-May for your precinct, you were automatically elected. In contested precincts, candidates for PCO appear on the August primary ballot and are elected by voters in their precinct. The State Party requires that all elected PCOs receive at least 10% of the highest vote total for a Republican in that precinct. Once elected, you take office on December 1st of that year and help elect new officers and vote on or amend by-laws in your legislative district and county during the Reorganization Meeting.

Appointed PCO

If no PCO is elected in a particular precinct, then a Republican who lives in that precinct can be appointed by the county or legislative chair as the Appointed PCO. For more information about the requirements for becoming an Appointed PCO, contact the Chair of your legislative district or county organization. You may be required to fill out an application.

If you were appointed to the precinct in which you reside, you have much the same benefits and length of office as someone elected—but after the reorganization occurs.

Acting PCO

If you were appointed as an acting PCO, you have much the same benefits and length of office as someone elected—until an appointed PCO can be found or a reorganization occurs.

How do I file to become a PCO?

Running for election as a PCO is easy! Just submit a Declaration of Candidacy to your County Auditor during filing week, which begins two Mondays before Memorial Day and runs through Friday. Mail-in filing generally starts a few weeks before that.

You can file online, in person or by mail.

Because PCO positions are unpaid, there is no filing fee.

When filing, be sure to:

Enter office name and any position or district number defining the office for which you will be a candidate. 

Enter your name and address exactly as it appears on your voter registration.

Print your name exactly as you want it to appear on the ballot. (Nicknames are acceptable) 

Enter Republican for party preference!!! 

Read, sign, and date the oath. Your Declaration of Candidacy won’t be approved without your signature.

Click below to find your precinct.

Click here to find the website of your County Auditor.

Click here for a PCO Declaration of Candidacy form.

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